“No matter how busy the day gets, a smile or a comment from a resident can lift your spirits.”
What do you love about working here?
I enjoy being part of the residents’ lives. It is a pleasure to see joy and happiness as they interact with other residents and staff. I enjoy being a part of a team environment that provides loving and compassionate care, and the best experiences to our residents.
What would you say to a friend who was thinking about working here?
I would recommend MLL to anyone who is interested in this type of work. I would certainly tell them of the positive experiences I have had in the last 30 years.
How does working for MMCG help you to achieve your personal goals?
The facility provides the kindness and positive interactions that I feel are necessary for a happy and healthy life. It is personally rewarding to know that I have made a difference, in some small way, in the lives of our seniors.
Describe your best day at work.
My best day at work is when a new and lonely resident realizes that there are new friends and opportunities for them to enjoy in their new home.
What are you most proud of?
The wonderful relationships I have built with residents and their families over the years.
How would you describe the company culture/atmosphere?
Everyone’s differences and individuality are valued and respected. All departments work together, and the value that each brings to the productive work environment is appreciated.
What 5 things about your work are you most passionate about?
1. The residents
2. Providing a comfortable home environment
3. Taking time to connect and listen
4. Keeping families connected
5. Providing the best medical care
Everyone has a personal story about the impact their work has on them. Tell us yours.
It makes me feel good when a resident notices if I’ve been away and they are happy when I’m back.