The Mountains &
Meadows Fund
The Board of Directors of the Mountains and Meadows Care Group (formerly known as Mountain Lea Lodge, Adult Residential Centre (Meadows) and the Willow Vale Apartments) saw a need to be able to provide donors giving to their facilities a charitable tax receipt. Ongoing conversations with board members, staff, community volunteers and the Community Foundation of Nova Scotia brought about the realization of the Mountains and Meadows Fund.
The newly formed board of the Mountains and Meadows Fund operates independently from the Mountains and Meadows Care Group. Monies donated will be utilized for the betterment of the residents and NOT for the day to day operations of the facilities.
In early 2020, the official board of directors was established and officially launched in partnership with the Community Foundation of Nova Scotia (CFNS). All donations $25 or larger are given a charitable tax receipt.
Our Mission
The Mountains & Meadows Fund works to solicit donations and raise funds on behalf of the Mountains and Meadows Care Group for the comfort and benefit of the residents living there.
Our Vision
A diverse Board of Directors will administer the fund in concert with the Community Fund of Nova Scotia. The Board of Directors of the Fund is independent of the Board of Directors of Mountain and Meadows Care Group but will support the long term strategic plan of that Board.
Get Involved
We are always happy to accept a donation to help in the costs of providing the best care that we are able to our residents.
Donors will receive a charitable tax receipt from the Community Foundation of Nova Scotia. Donors from the United States can receive a US tax receipt applicable against US income.
Recent changes in tax laws have made charitable giving easier and more attractive to donors. Donors can contribute cash, stocks and real property to the fund. In addition to receiving favourable tax treatment, donors would also know that their contributions will have made a tangible positive impact on the Mountain and Meadows Care
Here Is How You Can Donate
Donate using your credit card through our partner Canada Helps. Just click the button below. Once you have done this you will be taken to the Community Foundation of Nova Scotia page. You can even make donations on behalf of your family and friends. If you want to set up automatic monthly donations, when you click the button you’ll be given the option to set up recurring donations during the donation process.
Send your donation by mail to the following address: Community Foundation of Nova Scotia, 6074 Lady Hammond Rd, Suite G001, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3K 2R7.
Please make cheque payable to the Community Foundation of Nova Scotia with a note in the memo line of the cheque - Mountains & Meadows Fund. In addition, please indicate to which facility you wish to donate, i.e. Mountain Lea Lodge or The Meadows Community.
You can also drop off a donation to the Mountain and Meadows Care Group, 170 Church St, Bridgetown.